domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2008

My Hero by Inés

It was a beautiful day when John was walking whit his daugther when a man atacked him.

He died ten minutes after, but he remained in the minds of a lot of people because in my opinion he was a hero for all the ideology that he gave. He taught how to have a relationship with peace, to respect the others, to see the differences...
He wrote a lot of songs referring this ideas and showing facts of his life as her mother's death. Some lyrics he wrote were "Mother", "Imagine", "Just like"...
He was a revolutionary person because he defended the rights of the people, he attempted to change the violence for peace.
Many people say he was murdered for his pacifist ideas, however the police says he was murdered by a fan, i don't know the real truth but i know he is in my heart...

8 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

very nice ine !!

...i´m flo :)

Elona Hartjes dijo...

It's amazing how a person can touch so many hearts. Thank you for writing about him.

Anónimo dijo...

very nice job,keep writing

Rochelle dijo...

So brave to remember sad stories as well. Good luck with the writing!

Anónimo dijo...

John Lennon, was murdered by a sick man who wanted to become famous by killing one of the Beatles. It's sad that guns in America are so easy to get hold of either legally or illegally.

I like America, but it's a shame they can not see the country would be a safer, happier place if they took all the guns away.

Some people argue about "their right to bear arms"...but how about John's right to walk down the street and not get killed?
And the thousands of other innocent less wellknown people who are killed each year in crimes,accidents and by lunatics who are angry at the world.

Audrey dijo...

He was my favourite beatle and loved the music he went on to write, this peice is very moving and a lovely tribute to him

Well done

Mariana Porta dijo...

I love Lennon too! I still remember the day he was killed. I was devastated!!
Nice piece of writing!

Marcelo Escobal dijo...

We all love John. And you know.... "all you need is love...."