miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Writing by Florencia

Nowadays, it´s very common to listen to the fact that old people don´t get along well with young people. The reason is very simple, we don´t dress like they do, we don´t listen to the same kind of music, we use different words and expressions, etc.

If some person wants to get along well with young people, he/she will have to understand and accept our ideas. Most of the old people think that our ideas and our way of life are wrong, but they are not. The fact that they are different, doesn´t mean they are not correct. So, accept our ideas is the first thing that he/she will have to do.

This person will also have to start talking with young people, in this way he/she will start to know more about what we do, what we like, and he will surely get along better with young people.

4 comentarios:

Analía dijo...

Good point Flo! We should listen to young people more. And young people could, maybe, listen to us too :) That's the key.
Thanks for your post

Alianzas Costa y Carrasco dijo...

Flo, I agree with you but I also agree with Analia. It shouldn't be a one way street, communication involves both speaking and listening. After all, I think we get along very well, what do you think?
By the way, do you know who I am?

Anónimo dijo...

yes, i know who you are!
adriana yaffe! haha

thank you!


Anónimo dijo...

flo you're righ!!
That's what happen now, and all the peole should know it.