lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

Martin Luther King by Sabrina

It was the year 1963, in front of the Lincon's Monument (during the March in Washington for the work and the freedom) the reverend Martin Luther King did a speech, that starts with the famous words "I Have a Dream”.The entire world remember him, how one of the greatest heroes in U.S. history. He took part of many pacific acts for the right to vote, not discrimination, and other rights from black people. Always, without violence.

For example when he led a boycott to Montgomery's bus in 1955, because in that moment was a law what said that the persons of color had to leave the seat to white persons. A consequence of that was, Luther King was arrested and his house was attacked. The most incredible was he continued fighting for rights in a peace way.

I think that he must been afraid, because the life of his family was in risk. In spite of this, Luther King continued until the end. And today, he is recognized by all the people and been grateful by many.

Sabrina Julián

2 comentarios:

THI and PRE PROF dijo...

Thanks Sabri.

Alianzas Costa y Carrasco dijo...

I'm so proud of you! Even though I'm not your teacher any more, I keep on thinking you're the best student I've ever had